Wednesday, August 16, 2006


I dreamt about you last night...and the night before...
and many other nights since I said good bye. I dreamt you held me, but as usual, you didn't say a word.

The problem with dreams is... they only reveal what you know and feel deep down under your skin, but somehow manage not to let it get through your defense mechanism called denial. They only make you long for that which no longer is and those who are no longer here.

The problem with dreams is...they force you to face what you desperately avoid and leave you hanging on a feeling you can't convey.

The problem with dreams know that dream will NEVER even begin to compare to the real thing.

The problem with dreams is...he'll always be just that, the man of my dreams.

The problem with MY dreams

"I can make you mine
Taste your lips of wine
Any time
Night or day
Only trouble is
Gee whiz
I'm dreamin my life away..."

The Everly Brothers- All I have to do is dream

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